
Tips about hotels

Here are a few tips about hotel stays that you may not have known about:

• Check with the front desk if you forgot anything such as a toothbrush before going out to purchase. Chances are they may keep some on hand without you having to go to the sundry store to purchase
• If you have an arrival time prior to published check-in times, be sure to stop by the front desk to see if they have a room ready. If not, give them your cell phone number so the hotel can contact you when the room is ready. This will allow you the ability to not have to constantly check back in with the hotel.
• Tipping the staff is always a question that we ask ourselves. With our luggage on wheels, we tend to handle our luggage when arriving and departing hotels. But did you forget about the housekeepers that are cleaning your room and bringing you fresh towels? Always nice to leave something on the pillow for the room attendant!
• You know when you go to the store and make a purchase, the cashier provides you with an email address to rate his/her service? The same holds true with hotels. You may receive a survey after you check out. Be sure to complete the survey as most hotels will use these as a benchmark for improvements or possibly recognize an employee for outstanding service.
• Gluten free, low sodium and other dietary requests can usually be accommodated whether you are dining in a restaurant or group event. Ask your server upon being seated so they can speak with the Chef direct to ensure they have met your request.

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